Friday, 20 November 2009
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Filming Jack the Ripper Re-Shoot
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 11:55 0 comments
Labels: Second Filming
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
When we re-film our opening we are keeping everything the same, but going to ensure that there is enough light by bringing torches and using the night mode on the camera. Therefore, we will be able to see the actors properly. Even though the look of the night mode on the camera is not exactly what we wanted as it is a lot lighter. We will have to use it in order to see the characters.
We are going to film tonight Tuesday 10th November at around 5.30 - 6 o'clock. At Gentleman's Row. Even if it does rain tonight we will have to carry on with the filming. As long as we stick to our storyboard the shoot will be fine, and much better than our first opening.
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 12:06 0 comments
Labels: Second Filming
Film Upload
Unfortunately due to the camera not being able to pick up the light and therefore not being able to see the actors in some shots, we have decided to re-film the whole of our opening.
When we uploaded the film onto the computer it was very hard to see the actors at all especially in the walking through the alley shots.
We could not just re-film certain shots as this would not follow the continuity of the film, because in some shots in would be raining and then in other shots it would not.
Although in certain shots the fact that the characters drifted in and out of light and visibility worked well. Especially for the character of Jack the Ripper it highlighted his movements as he was going in and out of the shadows.
Our group was disappointed that we are going to have to re-film our opening, however we now know what to do in order to make the shots more effective. Next time we film we are going to stick exactly to our storyboard and do it almost in the exact order it should be. Therefore, we will not miss out any shots or action that we want to include.
Furthermore, I feel that we rushed our first shoot due to the weather so this time as a group we need to take time in setting up the angles and shots so that we get the best possible results.
We also need to add more angles and extent the length of our shots. This way when it comes to us having to edit the film we will have more variety and film to add to our opening.
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 11:54 0 comments
Labels: First Filming
First Filming 06-11-2009
On Friday we filmed the majority of our opening. However, the weather created a few problems for our filming, as it rained heavily throughout the whole time we was on location.
Firstly, we decided to shoot the main section of our opening first where the victim and killer are walking through the alley. Although the alley was lit by street lamps and the actors were visible to the naked eye, the camera did not seem to pick up the light, which therefore made it hard to see the actors on camera. We opted to continue shooting the film as when we upload the film it may be clearer for us to see the actors.
After completely the walking shots we then decided to shoot the "rape" scene which was thankfully under and arch way which sheltered them from the rain. Again, this was lit by multiple street lamps and was clear for us to see the action but the camera seemed to make the whole shot darker and harder to see.
Then we filmed the opening establishing shot which was of a pub and a lamp post, when we edit the film we can put it in the correct order that we want.
Once, we had filmed all the shots that we needed I did feel unsure about whether or not the camera have picked up the light and allowed us to see the actors. As soon as we upload on Monday we will be able to tell whether or not we will have to re-film our opening.
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 11:39 0 comments
Labels: First Filming
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 11:08 0 comments
Labels: Film Analysis
Diegetic and Non-diegetic Sound
In lesson we looked at the use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound in films, and the effect that sound has on the audience. The use of sound in a film is very powerful technique. Sound engages with a distinct key sense and helps us synchronize both our visual and aural sense and unifies them together.
We watched the film 'Jaws' to show how the sound is used to create a tense atmosphere, throughout the opening.
The scene starts with with the use of Diegetic sound:
- Children screaming, laughing, playing The sound of the children playing happily creates dramatic tension for the audience as they are now aware that there are innocent children on the beach and the scene will not stay in this happy vibe for much longer.
- Parts of dialogue from peoples conversations There are 3 sets of diffrent dialogue going on in the scene. This helps to show that the beach is crowded and busy.
- Dog barking The sound of the dog barking could be trying to imply or signal warning or danger for the people on the beach.
- Splashing Shows that their are people and children in the water, and could be building up the tension and suspense as it is creating more noise for the audience.
-Music from the radioThe music is very calming this could be like this to emphasise the mood at that time then the mood during the shark attack.
After the opening of the scene starts there is then structured and scripted dialogue from the main characters in the film however the diagetic sounds are still continuing in the background.
The young boy Alex then asks to go back into the sea and we see the child floating alone in the sea on his lilo.
The scene then starts to build up the use of non-diegetic sound:
- Tension music quietly and slow starts to play.
- Quiet when Alex is shown on the lilo buy himself there was no music or sound this is so show his isolation and distant from the people and safety of the beach.
- Splashing You can still hear the splashing and voices of the children this creates tension as we do not want the children to come to harm.
- Tension music the music is building up into a crescendo as the shark is getting closer and closer to Alex.
- Dramatic noise Once the child is being eaten there is a ping and zooming sound as the realisation of the attacked is noticed by the people on the beach.
- Silence and waves After all the action in the scene is over and the mother of Alex is trying to find him we just hear the voice of the mother calling out for her son then just the sound of the waves as we see Alex's torn up lilo float onto the shore of the beach.
I think the tension music in 'Jaws' was very good and the use of the crescendo really makes the audience engage with the film as they feel the tension and atmosphere build up inside as the music climaxes when the child is attacked. The effect of having really strong powerful music in 'Jaws' creates a more dramatic scene to the film, but the audience will then know the que to when the attack or action will happen. Whereas in 'Physco' the music was a lot more quiet and had more diegetic sounds such as the toilet flushing, the shower running and the door closing. By just having these diegteic sounds I feel that this creates a more eerie mood in 'Physco' as we do not know when the attack will happen, therefore this makes the audience jump and more glued to the screen.
When creating our film opening, I think I would like to use both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. As I like the effect that scary music has on the audience however, I believe that silence or just very small minimal sound can also be very effective and can create alot of tension with the audience.
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 10:56 0 comments
Labels: Sound
Monday, 9 November 2009
Filming Action Script
-[The first shot we see is an establishing shot of a lamp post and a pub.]
- (Wide shot) Woman coming out of a rich looking building/house.
- (Pan shot) She then begins walking down into the alley.
- (Mid shot) Newspaper articles about Jack the Ripper and pictures of women.-
- (Close up/Extreme close up) Jack the Ripper hiding eye following woman.
- (Mid Shot) Woman still wallking through the alley unaware of being followed.
- (Close up) J the R feet coming out as going to follow.
- (Extreme close up) 1st victim being crossed out in blood.-
- (Pan shot follow) Woman turing around thinking someones following her.
- (Wide Shot) Empty street no-one there.
- (Extreme close up) Of the womans picture on the wall
- (Extreme close up) 2nd Victim crossed out in blood.-
- (Long shot) J the R standing by a lamp post with knife in hand.
-(Over the shoulder) J the R circles the woman in blood on the newspaper board
- (Mid Shot) Woman turns back around and carries on walking.
- (Wide shot) J the R walks past the camera following woman.
- (Two shot/Wide shot) Woman walking towards the camera with J the R seen over the shoulder.
- (Close up) J the R's hand over womans mouth.
- (Wide shot Of J the R dragging woman into the alley with the woman struggling.
- (Long Shot) J the R climbs on top of woman.
- (Close up) Of J the R hand up her womans skirt.
- (High angle shot) Womans hands being pushed to the ground.
- (Close up) Woman screaming
- (Mid Shot) J the R slaps the woman
- (Close up) J the R picks up the knife.
- (Point of view) Knife slashes womans neck.
- (Extreme clsoe up) The knife with blood on it.
- (Over the shoulder shot) Womans picture being crossed out in blood
- (Wide shot) J the R gets up and walks away into the light.
- (Over the shoulder shot) J the R circles the next victim.
- Credits
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 14:21 0 comments
Labels: Filming Preparation
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Filming Schedule
We are planning to film the start of our opening tomorrow night. It is an alley near the our school. However, I am thinking that we might have a few difficulties with filming on Friday because it is Bonfire night. The sound of the fireworks would not be a problem with our filming as we are going to add the sound on top of our film. It is the light and flash of the fireworks that may affect our filming.
We plan to get alot of our filming finished in one night, but we will need at least two days or a absolute maximum of three days to completely finish our opening.
Filming Day 1 - Try to complete majority of opening.
Filming Day 2 - To add and experiment with different shots and angles.
Filming Day 3 - To ensure that we have all the shots, action and film that we need.
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 10:42 1 comments
Labels: Filming Preparation
Filming Location
For our opening we are planning to film near the school. There is a dark creepy looking alley that looks perfect for our film. It also has a street lamp that looks like an old gas light. By having the gas light it helps to create and give the illusion that it was back in the 1800s. Also, the final image of an arch way is where we plan to film the death of the woman as it looks old and creepy with adds to the effect of our film.
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 10:36 2 comments
Labels: Filming Preparation
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 20:03 2 comments
Labels: Jack the Ripper Research
Jack the Ripper Costume Research
Male Costume
For our opening for our film I have been looking into the costumes that that I would like the actors to wear. For the character of Jack the Ripper I would like them to wear an all black outfit.
We decided to have the film back in the 1800s rather than a modern Jack the Ripper.
Therefore, to make the costume fit into that time period I would like the actor to wear a black top hat, a black cape of long coat, black suit trousers, and black shoes. By having the costume in black it helps the character to seem lurking in the shadows and mysterious.
Female Costume
For the woman's costume in our film, I wanted to have a traditional woman's dress. However it would not have to look very rich or expensive because the women that Jack the Ripper targeted were not wealthy. They were poor prostitutes.
Therefore, the actresses costume would be a for a simple dress maybe with a petticoat type dress underneath, also a pair of small black shoes. This then shows that she is from that time period and does not have alot of money.
Posted by Jessica Priddle at 18:54 1 comments
Labels: Costume Research